Women's Training Mode blog about fitness training for women

About us


Welcome to WTrainingMode.com, your dedicated space for empowering women on their journey to a healthier lifestyle. Our mission is simple but powerful: to inspire women to lead healthier lives through physical activity, whether in gyms or in the comfort of their own homes.

Our focus

At WTrainingMode, we understand the unique challenges faced by busy women who balance a professional career, domestic responsibilities and family life. Our concentrated workouts aren’t complete with personalized workouts that fit perfectly into your busy schedule.

Personalized workouts

Every training program we offer is designed with your needs in mind. We recognize the limited time women have to take care of themselves and our goal is to make each workout effective, efficient and enjoyable.

Professional guidance

Although our workouts aim to motivate and inform, it is essential to note that our content is not a substitute for professional medical advice. We recommend consulting a health professional before starting any new exercise routine.

Join us on this journey

Embark on this empowering journey towards a healthier you. Remember that small steps lead to big changes. Let’s make every workout count!

Our Team

Anna Aso is a fitness enthusiast dedicated to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for women who have little time and don't like going to the gym. From an early age, Anna discovered her passion for sports, especially CrossFit and fat-burning exercises. Today she is studying to become a more complete personal trainer, believing that regular physical activity can transform women's lives, even those with busy schedules.

Anna Aso

Anna Aso is a fitness enthusiast who is dedicated to promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for women who have little time and don’t like going to the gym.

From an early age Anna discovered her passion for sports, especially CrossFit and fat burning exercises. Today she is studying to become a more complete personal trainer, believing that regular physical activity can transform women’s lives, even those with busy schedules.

Cheyenne Jones is passionate about an active and healthy lifestyle. As an experienced road runner and enthusiastic swimmer, she has found physical activity a way to stay energized and happy. In addition, Chey is a master of fitness cooking, creating delicious and balanced recipes that complement her active lifestyle.

Cheyenne Jones

Cheyenne Jones is passionate about an active and healthy lifestyle. As an experienced road runner and enthusiastic swimmer, she has found physical activity a way to stay energized and happy.

In addition, Chey is a master of fitness cooking, creating delicious and balanced recipes that complement her active lifestyle.

Abby Johnson is passionate about yoga and stretching exercises and considers them extremely important. Her journey focuses on promoting well-being and flexibility, encouraging a healthy and balanced life through the regular practice of yoga and stretching. She shares her knowledge and passion, inspiring others to discover the benefits of these activities for the mind and body. is passionate about yoga and stretching exercises and considers them extremely important.

Abby Johnson

Abby Johnson is passionate about yoga and stretching exercises and considers them extremely important.

Her journey focuses on promoting well-being and flexibility, encouraging a healthy and balanced life through the regular practice of yoga and stretching.

She shares her knowledge and passion, inspiring others to discover the benefits of these activities for the mind and body. is passionate about yoga and stretching exercises and considers them extremely important.